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How well you use your available talent and resources ultimately determines your individual and organisational success.

Ko Maukatere te Mauka
Ko Rakahuri te Awa
Ko Tākitimu te Waka
Ko Tūāhiwi te Marae
Ko Maahanui e Rua te Wharenui
Ko Ngāi Tūāhuriri te Hapū
Ko Ngāi Tahu te Iwi

With a unique blend of leadership, technology, curriculum and teaching expertise, we empower education and business professionals to develop future-proofed approaches to learning and development that result in organisational transformation.

We provide leading-edge review and design customised solutions. These are focussed on strategic leadership, new technologies and sustainable, smart systems.

We are recognised by the NZ Ministry of Education as an expert professional learning and development (PLD) provider.

Acknowledging these team members who are not in this shot: Neill O'Reilly and Dr Lyn Bird

Our solutions will:

  • strengthen your leadership, organisational knowledge and capability
  • equip you and your team with the relevant skills, insights, tools and strategies to translate theory into practice
  • support you to develop an engaging localised curriculum that is relevant, future-focused and culturally sustaining
  • help you become more discerning about how and why you use technology
  • engage and motivate your employees, giving them confidence and job satisfaction
  • enable you to develop a high performing team, improving your ability to attract and retain top talent, and become more profitable
Rob Clarke Founder Ceo

Strengths coaching

Led by Gallup-certified Strengths coach, engagement consultant and former school principal Rob Clarke, Learning Architects is the only Ministry of Education accredited provider in New Zealand with expert digital technology skills, teaching skills and recent senior leadership experience.

With a team of expert accredited PLD facilitators we have a breadth and depth of experience working in schools, kura and communities of learning.

Your team will benefit from the insights of experienced, well-qualified educators and leadership experts who understand your working environment and the challenges that can go with it.

Our commitment to the team

We are committed to developing a world-class team.

To maintain their own professional development, our own facilitators receive coaching through the Gallup CliftonStrengths programme.

This deepens their self-awareness and helps them to understand how they can best employ their own talents to in turn, help clients accelerate the development of high performing teams.

Our commitment to the bigger picture

We believe in the value of community and care about global issues.

As former Special Officer for Education for National Council of the UN Association of New Zealand, Rob was involved in ensuring that we have an intentional focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. He developed the Education Portal for UNA NZ which brings this work together for Kiwi educators and students.

Lady Sharing Cards At A Meeting
Lady Sharing Cards At A Meeting
People Having Drinks Over Dinner

Our values

Beyond being written down, and spoken about, we believe that values are to be lived.
At Learning Architects we value:

Because every organisation is unique, we favour an open approach.

While particular practices and processes may be effective for some, others will require something completely different.

We design solutions with the most beneficial outcomes for each client.

You’ll find no cookie cutter solutions here.

We always aim to communicate both with our clients and among ourselves with clarity, sincerity and honesty, whether we are providing a job quote, writing a report or creating an invoice.

When working in schools, student learning is at the heart of our decisions.

Everything we do must provide the best outcome for the students.

And believing we are all kids at heart, work intentionally to get the best from, and for everyone in business too.

We challenge our systems to improve our practices.

We challenge our thinking to create innovation.

We challenge our clients to step beyond contentment and complacency to stretch their thinking, practices and systems and see effective growth.

Whether a client brings problems to us, we identify a problem or a problem arises, our focus is finding the most effective, lasting solution.

We are in this business to make a difference to our clients, and we have fun while doing it.

Fun sparks creativity and innovation, and extends the possibilities for clients and ourselves.

And finally, our last two values come as a pair.

We believe that a productive, purposeful life requires balance, and that a balanced life involves family.

This means drawing clear lines and keeping things in perspective. And we all need reminding of that every now and then.

These values may come at the end of our page, but they would be just as well placed at the top of our list.

About Balance & family

To discuss how Learning Architects can support you or your organisation,
please contact us - we'd love to help.

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