New ways to collaborate with Activity dashboard
We have written and often teach how to collaborate using many of the powerful tools inside G Suite. This article shows you how you can learn new ways to collaborate with Activity dashboard. Google has introduced a new feature inside Docs, Sheets and Slides called Google Docs Activity dashboard. This gives you insights into who is using the document, plus it also allows you to email collaborators easily.
This might be really useful in a number of instances:
- when you need to prompt others to do something on a file if it is shared with them
- checking staff has followed up on a request, etc.
How to email collaborators through Activity dashboard
In just a few clicks, you can choose recipients, customise and send a follow-up email with the link to the file. This new feature allows users to:
- Select who to email. There are shortcuts for collaborators who have viewed the file or who have not viewed the file, or you can pick recipients manually with checkboxes (see image below for example).
- Customize an email. Users can write a message to chosen recipients.
- Send the email.
How to see viewing patterns over time
Another new feature that Activity Dashboard gives you is the ability to have more insight into patterns around viewing data on files.
There is now a chart showing how many viewers have visited the file over time.
This is quote handy because you can adjust the date range and hover over specific data points for more details.
Further reference can be found in this Google help article how to understand the data in Activity dashboard.
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