Learn how to make strengths-based learning come alive in your school by developing a strengths-based curriculum for school leadership, staff, and students
This post is aimed at helping children to cope with traumatic events, but providing resources and strategies to support them, their families and educators. Last Friday, Christchurch suffered an horrific terrorist attack.
Discover your school’s levels of engagement, hope, entrepreneurial aspiration, and career and financial literacy. This post is to let you know of an upcoming webinar to help leaders decide whether this tool is right for their organisation – learn how you can measure what matters most with the Gallup Student Poll.
Does your leadership practice intentionally help develop relationships amongst staff? Read this post for 5 ways to build the team and develop staff culture.
This is a question that many educators would purport to have as a guiding principle in how they, and their organisation, works. Yet so much about how we ‘do’ education seems to me to be premised on a negative approach.