Does your leadership practice intentionally help develop relationships amongst staff? Read this post for 5 ways to build the team and develop staff culture.
As we reach the end of another year it is a great time to reflect on our journey. We are really grateful for being able to work alongside a large number of innovative and passionate educators throughout New Zealand and Australia.
This is a question that many educators would purport to have as a guiding principle in how they, and their organisation, works. Yet so much about how we ‘do’ education seems to me to be premised on a negative approach.
Shona is focussed on developing curious, creative thinkers with digital technologies. Shona facilitates programmes and strategies that empower teachers in the use of technology. She is focussed on improving student learning through critical thinking and problem-solving.
Have you ever had the problem of transitioning from one Google Environment to another and wondered how on earth to do this? This post will show you how to transition between Google environments with ease!
Inspire confidence in the digital technologies curriculum by undertaking PLD with Victoria Macann! Victoria works with schools and Kāhui Ako who are focused on the implementation of the Digital Technologies Curriculum.