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Apps For Strengthening Te Reo Maori

5 apps for learning te reo Māori

As part of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori I came across a couple of great apps this week. To help me with my te reo learning, I have always relied on the Māori Dictionary to learn new Māori words. Today I came across a couple of great apps for strengthening te reo Māori which I just had to share. Kupu logoKupu is a new app designed by Spark which uses augmented reality. Kupu, which translates to mean “word” – works via machine learning provided by Google. Users simply take a picture, and Kupu uses image recognition to identify what is in the picture and provide te reo Māori translations for what is seen. Kupu is an example of Augmented Reality (AR) which is a form of technology that layers the digital world over the physical world. There are a lot of different apps which perform various tasks using AR, such as finding a local cafe, mapping apps, or even a new one I use called Snoww which enables users to locate friends they follow (I use this to know where my daughter is on the mountain!).
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The Relationship Between Trust And Effective Leadership

How to build trust in your leadership

Leaders who understand how to grow and maintain trust in their team, and consciously act to take deliberate steps to grow that trust, will be more successful and enable the organisation to thrive. Includes FREE resources for leaders to help them improve how they build trust.
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Amazing PLD Provider Celebrates 4 Years

Learning Architects is an accredited PLD provider

Learning Architects is celebrating its fourth year in business and has been recognised by the NZ Ministry of Education as an accredited PLD (Professional Learning and Development) provider for schools, kura and Kāhui Ako/Communities of Learning.
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Annual Planning Reporting Hourglass

6 ways to streamline annual planning

When I was a principal, I often found writing board reports somewhat tedious and mundane. In fact, in some research we conducted earlier this year we confirmed this suspicion – school leaders rated report writing as one of the tasks they dislike the most.
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Google Form To Support Goal Setting

Start the year with goal setting

Effective goal setting is one of the most important reflective processes in any learning environment. It is an area of teaching (and leading) which is critical to helping learners become self-managing. Learn how to start the year with goal setting using a Google Form.
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Want to help kids engage in complex issues?

I am excited to announce the launch of this new project on behalf of the United Nations Association of NZ. This is a project I’ve been working on for a while now and it’s finally time to put it out there for Kiwi educators to consider as a great way to supplement their school-based curriculum, particularly if you are wanting to help your learners explore the more global and complex issues of our times.
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