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All leaders want to develop a team who are confident and highly capable at using a wide range of technologies to empower learning. Our digital fluency professional learning does just that.

We support educators to turn theory into practice and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Our Ministry of Education accredited PLD facilitators are experts in Google, Apple and Microsoft technologies. We will help you and your team to confidently explore new possibilities in digital fluency professional learning.

We take a pedagogy-first approach to the design of professional learning that helps your team:

  • Understand and apply AI tools to the teaching and learning process, making it more personalised, targeted and taking advantage of the many possibilities
  • Use Apple technologies, Google tools, and/or Microsoft Office 365 to enhance learning for staff and students
  • Establish networks of expertise for teachers or leaders
  • Utilise creating technologies such as AR, VR, MR and more
  • Learn how to better collaborate, save time and become more efficient
  • Support your team with the Digital Technologies/Hangarau Matihiko strand of the Technology curriculum

We offer personalised digital fluency professional learning for schools, kura and Kāhui Ako
as an expert accredited Ministry of Education PLD provider.


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