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Global sharing initiative with Hāpara

Rob Clarke

Rob is the kaihanga/co-founder Learning Architects. He supports leaders and organisations to thrive in the future through coaching, development, technology, and learning design. He is a Ministry of Education accredited PLD facilitator. He is also a Dad of two beautiful girls.

For more information please visit: or get in touch via +64 21 590 572

Hāpara Sharing Initiative

We love the idea of a smart way to share and curate useful resources for educators and communities – especially at this time!

This idea started out as an idea from a small rural school district in Alberta, Canada – what if Hāpara teachers got together and publicly shared Workspaces that cover every grade level, subject and learning outcome in Canada, the US, New Zealand and Australia? Wow! And every teacher would have access to them? Double on the wow!

Hāpara has joined in this mission to provide teachers with Workspaces that cover every level, subject, learning outcome, and curriculum. This will give teachers the ability to search in the Discovery tab for a Workspace and find one that meets their needs. You can then easily copy it, and modify it however you’d like!

To contribute your Workspace to this global initiative, follow these three simple steps:

  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. In the description box, add in the country, year level, subject and curriculum expectations.
  3. In the left sidebar, click the toggle to publish the workspace publically.

Hāpara will curate your workspace for the benefit of other educators around the globe!


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