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How groups work to support differentiation in Hāpara workspace

Rob Clarke

Rob is the kaihanga/co-founder Learning Architects. He supports leaders and organisations to thrive in the future through coaching, development, technology, and learning design. He is a Ministry of Education accredited PLD facilitator. He is also a Dad of two beautiful girls.

For more information please visit: or get in touch via +64 21 590 572


Being able to establish and manage groups is a basic skill for every educator. It enables them to target the challenge level, or the resources, or even the assessment to the needs of different students. This post shows how groups work to support differentiation in Hāpara Workspace.

Click here to receive some FREE examples of great Hāpara Workspaces!

This video provides a good overview of how groups work in Hāpara Workspace, enabling you to personalise the learning experience for your students:

  • Learn how groups work
  • Set up ‘master’ workspace
  • Set up groups based on ability, task, approach, strategy, theme, etc.
  • Assign groups to elements of master workspace
  • Generate evidence cards for each workspace variation
  • Further explanation from Hāpara…
Hāpara Suite
1. Learn how to use groups in Hāpara teacher dashboard
2. Learn how to use Hāpara smart share
3. How to use Hāpara Highlights
4. How to use Hāpara workspace
5. How groups work to support differentiation in Hāpara workspace
6. How to use Hāpara Workspace to differentiate learning
7. Use Hāpara analytics to make decisions
8. Global sharing initiative with Hāpara
9. How to use Hāpara dashboard

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