How to create documents and complete assignments in Google Classroom

Google Classroom is ideal for educators and schools who want to work remotely. With its numerous features, one of the most important is that teachers can share information with students. Teachers can send an ‘assignment’ which students complete, a video, a link to a website, or other content such as handouts, readings and more.
This video gives a good overview of how teachers and students complete assignments. It shows how to use the ‘Create’ option within Classroom instead of adding a pre-existing google doc.
This video covers:
- How easy it is to create documents from within Classroom.
- What the teacher and student accounts look like.
- How to use the create option.
- How the teacher or student views the assignment during the completion and/or submission of that assignment.
- How easy it is to make comments, grade and give feedback.
Once you know how to share information with students using Google Classroom you’ll be well set up to work remotely, making learning exciting and easy. You might also like to learn more from the Google Classroom help site here.
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