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How to get started with Google Classroom

Rob Clarke

Rob is the kaihanga/co-founder Learning Architects. He supports leaders and organisations to thrive in the future through coaching, development, technology, and learning design. He is a Ministry of Education accredited PLD facilitator. He is also a Dad of two beautiful girls.

For more information please visit: or get in touch via +64 21 590 572

Google Classroom Icon

Now that all classes throughout New Zealand have closed, it is time for many teachers to quickly figure out how to distribute work to their class. The good thing is that you have options, one of which is Google Classroom.

Google Classroom saves you time, keeps you organized and helps you communicate with your students. This video will give you a quick overview of what is possible with this powerful tool, once your G Suite administrator has enabled it for teachers and students.

This video covers:

  1. How to create your classes and add students.
  2. Creating and distributing an assignment.
  3. How students see their work.
  4. How to review assignments and give grades and feedback.

If you would like further help please ask.

Google Classroom
1. How to get started with Google Classroom
2. How to share information with students using Google Classroom
3. What students see when completing assignments in Google Classroom
4. How to mark and return your student assignments in Google Classroom
5. How to create documents and complete assignments in Google Classroom
6. How to share a calendar of assignments and activities with parents using Google Classroom

Our QuickTips email bulletin is focussed on supporting educators,
students and communities to work from home successfully

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