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How to use Hāpara dashboard

Rob Clarke

Rob is the kaihanga/co-founder Learning Architects. He supports leaders and organisations to thrive in the future through coaching, development, technology, and learning design. He is a Ministry of Education accredited PLD facilitator. He is also a Dad of two beautiful girls.

For more information please visit: or get in touch via +64 21 590 572

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How to use Hāpara Dashboard to give your teachers Google superpowers!

Hāpara Dashboard gives teachers superpowers because you can see a one page snapshot of your entire class from one place. It makes it easy to share documents to groups students, or whole classes. It is a building block to creating personalised learning in your classroom or across your school. This will enable you to easily differentiate and strengthen collaboration across your class.

This video provides an overview of this powerful feature to help make your digital workflow easier – giving you the power to personalise learning!

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