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Would you like to be MORE ORGANISED too?

EASILY MANAGE the variety of school
information in just ONE DOCUMENT with
our Staff Booklet template + tutorial.
Find out how below...
 Streamline your school organisational information
with an easy to use template.

Make it easy to find information to save lots of time.

Keep the variety of cloud-based information in
just one document.

Get our Staff Booklet template and attend our online course
to customise it to your school for ONLY $49.95!

Take advantage of these benefits:
Contacts template
 All staff details in one place
Relievers list
✓ Quickly get details when  
you need them
Timetables & rosters templates
✓ Everyone knows what is happening
Teacher registration template
✓ Know when they expire
Assessment & Reporting template
✓ Create transparency for everyone
Term planner template
✓ Streamline organisation of dates
Year planner template
✓ Forward planning made easy
School passwords template
✓ Never lose a password again
Your Online Video Course Includes
 10 specialist video tutorials (30 minutes)
 tips and tricks to easily customise your template
 clear objectives to work through
✓ email reminders as you progress
✓ clear instructions with usage cases to learn from
✓ free support on our Facebook page for any questions!

Take the course in small steps at a time that suits you, or all in one go!

Make your life easier. Be more organised. Save lots of time.
                     NOW  FOR ONLY *$49.95!                  
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