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Time Savers For Busy Leaders

Time savers for busy leaders

Here is a presentation given at the New Zealand Google Apps for Education Summit in Christchurch and Auckland entitled ‘Time Savers for Busy Leaders’. It focusses on various issues relating to systems and personal productivity tips – managing email flow, handy tools to speed life up and more…
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Manage multiple Google accounts with ease

Are you in the position of having a personal Gmail account and a work G Suite account and keep accidentally logging in to the wrong one? Or perhaps you have a Kāhui Ako account, a personal account AND a school account! Gets confusing right?
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Learn how to set up mail delegation

Learn how to set up mail delegation; a really handy feature within gmail - email delegation. Gmail delegation allows one person to 'delegate' their email to another user, which is a great solution for busy school leaders, managers and CEOs
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Tame your mailbox using priority inbox

Learn how to tame your mailbox using priority inbox. Here is a neat little video describing the benefits of Google’s Priority Inbox – which is a massive improvement to gmail that saves you time and makes you super-efficient.
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