Kia ora, my name is Emma Ranui and I am Deputy Principal here at Pyes Pa School. We’ve been fortunate having Victoria Macann deliver a workstream of professional learning for all of our staff around digital technologies and in particular focusing in on computational thinking, we’ve enjoyed the ease of her facilitation. Victoria is an approachable facilitator, that has education experience in the classroom, which is invaluable, and can relate to our teachers.
Victoria has been able to create the contextual base that we can translate into the classroom. She has a hands-on approach, that is differentiated for our staff but also our students. This has been valuable. Victoria has also been able to provide in-class support, and because of her personality and approach, the staff have been very open to their professional learning. For us in terms of the computational thinking journey, Victoria has been able to unpack what’s been some very difficult language, so that it’s plain and unambiguous for us.
We were treated as learners and fully supported. Her notes are very thorough providing good reference notes for when we are stuck. Victoria also gave us time to generate resources that are relevant to our learners. We have been able to personalize these for our learners and our classrooms, which has been fantastic. I can’t thank her enough for the ongoing support that we’ve been able to access. Victoria understands what it’s like to be a teacher and she works the hours that teachers work and for us, that’s made a difference.
Kia ora kouto. Thank you for Victoria for the workstream you have provided at Pyes Pa School. Your content and pedagogy his meant that you have delivered an extremely valuable series of professional learning that has been well received by our staff. I thank you for delivering one of the best Professional Learning Series of my career.
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