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Ready for a new career challenge?

At Learning Architects, we pride ourselves on making a genuine difference to the people we work with and a positive impact on the organisations they work for. We do this by providing innovative, learning and development across education and business sectors throughout NZ.

If you have an eye on the future, a desire to create change, share our values and want to work as part of a forward-thinking team, we’d love to hear from you.

Keen to do business differently?

We also enjoy connecting and collaborating with other organisations who share our values and goal of empowering others towards excellence.
If you are interested in exploring what we might achieve together, please contact us.

We are particularly interested in discussing opportunities with people who have any of these areas of expertise

Leadership development

We seek people who have expertise in coaching, appraisal, school review, strategic planning, professional learning design, learning environment design, facilitation, and new school startup.

Curriculum review and design

We seek talented facilitators of adult learning who can empower others through inquiry into practice, as well as future-focused curriculum design and review.

Cultural capability

If you have experience and skills in developing cultural capability, or strengthening indigenous approaches to curriculum, school and organisational design, then we’d love to connect.

Digital learning

If you have expertise in the use of Google, Apple or Microsoft environments in ways that empower learners then we’d be keen to connect.

We do more than just teach people to use software better; we advocate and grow insightful educators who are pedagogically discerning and use technology as a tool to enhance this.

All our projects incorporate leadership elements to ensure sustainability and lasting impact.

STEAM and Digital Technologies Curriculum

STEAM and Digital Technologies – the new Digital Technology and Hangarau Matihiko curriculum brings exciting prospects for curriculum design, along with STEAM and Maker approaches to enriching curriculum.

Assessment for learning

If you have expertise in modern approaches to assessment we’d love to connect. We are looking for facilitators who have expertise in helping improve formative approaches to school assessment, including school leadership and in-class assessment.


How we support our team to thrive

Learning Architects is a strengths-based organisation. We use CliftonStrengths and Engagement to enable our team to grow and thrive.

Everyone in our organisation undergoes ongoing coaching and development using this powerful framework.

We also support our team members to grow as professionals, and we honour and uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

So if ours sounds like an environment you’d like to work in, please contact us.

If you would like to explore whether Learning Architects is a fit for you,
please get in touch – we’d love to connect.


Staff Brainstorming During Teacher Only Day PLD

Setting up exciting possibilities for the year

One of the aspects I love about this time in the school calendar, is the level of energy that staff,…

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